What you will learn

This introductory course to Neurovascular Release work can stand alone or prepare you for the deeper dive included in the next five courses of the full NVR curriculum. The techniques and lessons selected for you to start with will help you improve left-right and front-back balance throughout the body, rather than in just one region. This lays the foundation for understanding how to work effectively with the nerves and vessels that weave through the fascial layers. 

The NVR curriculum integrates techniques, perspectives, and practices from structural integration, osteopathy, and clinical massage.  This first course sets the stage for practitioners to begin working with osteopathic subtlety and precision.

In this course, we will lean into the practices and perspectives of a Structural Integrator. Clients are fully clothed for NVR sessions, so they are free to stand, walk, and explore movement during a session. Movement helps your client integrate the changes you are making, cultivating their interoceptive and proprioceptive awareness. It also helps you see and track changes in your client’s quality and range of movement. 

We will discuss a few specific therapeutic applications (such as plantar fasciitis, whiplash, and scoliosis), but the emphasis in this course is on structural and functional balance in the fascial system, through the NVR lens. If your practice already focuses on orthopedic issues, you will be excited to add the techniques you learn in this class to your tool kit.

Our focus will be centered on:

  • Improving mobility, stability, structural balance, and resilience within the fascial system. 
  • Learning to feel artery tension and how it affects muscle hypertonicity, pulling the fascial web out of balance. 
  • Learning to feel and work with individual nerve restrictions, and free various neurovascular tracts using myofascial techniques to more thoroughly address orthopedic issues and pain. 
  • Learning neurovascular anatomy and brushing up on your myofascial anatomy as you build your touch skills. You will emerge with a mental map of the nerves and arteries that helps you see how restrictions within the network can adversely influence posture and limit movement. Broadening your understanding of anatomy in this way will help you develop more complete session strategies.

In this course, you will be learning NVR techniques and approaches for the rib cage, erector spinae, neck, hip flexors, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, piriformis, and hip adductors.

Return home with fresh insight and immediately useful methods for improving overall front-to-back and left-right balance.

Prerequisite:  You must be a licensed manual therapist in your state (e.g., massage therapist, physical therapist, structural integrator). Kier recommends that you have three years of massage experience, training as a structural integrator, or education in physical therapy or osteopathy before embarking on your Manual NVR journey.

Please see the FAQ in the menu above for guidance on whether to take this Intro course or Manual NVR Part 1.

In-person format

A 3-day in-person immersion (24 credit hours) with online review opportunities

  • Benefit immediately from hands-on guidance by Kier

  • Throughout class, receive this work from Kier and fellow students to help you understand and fine-tune your touch

  • Receive ten to fifteen minutes of individualized integrative work from Kier during the last hours of class to settle your systems before you go home.

Additional benefits

  • Meet up with colleagues and reconnect during online Q&A sessions

    Connect with new colleagues in person, and reconnect later when you join the free NVR Community Seminars held approximately eight times per year.

  • Unlimited access to technique recordings for your review

    Edited and curated recordings of the technique demonstrations during a previous course will be uploaded for you to review after you have completed your course.

  • Opportunity to schedule a full session with Kier

    If you have a complex injury history, you may be able to schedule a full session with Kier for the day prior to class. (Schedule well in advance so we can all make the necessary travel arrangements.)

New Buddy Discount

Recruit a friend to help you deepen your learning

Would you like to receive NVR regularly after completing this course? 

    •    Take care of your body's needs by making sure there is a practitioner near you who also knows NVR. 

    •    Enhance your learning by studying and practicing regularly with someone who lives near you.

Both practitioners must register as students and let Kier know the name of their practice partner (via WhatsApp or text 1+503-720-7403). Each of you will receive a 20% discount by registering with coupon code Buddies2025.

Overview of the Manual NVR Curriculum

Plan your journey

As you progress through the curriculum, you can alternate between distance learning and in-person courses. 

the Introduction to NVR course (this course) is only offered in person.

You may choose to do Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 entirely in distance learning format, however, Kier encourages you to attend Part 1 in person so that you can feel and benefit from the detailed neck work in your own body! 

Part 5 is held in person only and is an important capstone to your training.

Parts 1 and 2 are the first level of detailed NVR study and need to be taken in order. In Part 1, we will focus on neck, shoulders, and upper thorax mobility, including some work for the lungs and vagus nerve. In Part 2, we will continue our work with the torso, focusing on the pelvis, hips, and thighs.

In Parts 3 and 4, the next level within the curriculum, we will study the distal extremities in great detail. We will review techniques for the proximal extremities and thorax and continue working with neurovascular restrictions affecting the organs. Because we will be building on skills learned in the first two courses and expanding your understanding of session strategy and lower and upper body patterns, Parts 1 and 2 are prerequisites for Parts 3 and 4.

Manual NVR Part 5 is a practicum focused on assessment and practical application. In full sessions with outside models, you will apply all that you have learned in Parts 1 through 4, practicing session strategy under Kier’s guidance. This is a great opportunity to bring family members with you to receive work!

Course curriculum

    1. Checklist: What to do after registering

    2. Intro to videos that prepare you for Part 1: Cultivating Interoception

    3. Intro Video 1: What is Neurovascular Release? Why are we doing this?

    4. Intro Video 2: Basic neck techniques, "Balloon lift"

    5. Intro Video 3: Technique - "Wilted Flower" and the upper intercostal spaces

    6. Intro Video 4: Is wilted flower technique addressing nerve or artery?

    7. Intro Video 5: Internal thoracic artery technique demo (recorded in 2018 during an in-person Manual NVR Part 1 class)

    8. Anatomy Resources: Netter, Thieme, and the Complete Anatomy App

    1. NVR Contraindications and Cautions - notes for discussion

About this course

  • $960.00
  • scholarships available
  • payment plans available