These courses will serve you best if you have a minimum of three years experience as a massage therapist, a year as a structural integrator, or a degree in physiotherapy or osteopathy. (New structural integrators would benefit more from NVR-SI Part 1, which is compatible with "series work.")

If you have already begun studying cranial, visceral, and/or neural work, this NVR approach will help you to "fill in the gap" on the spectrum of touch between subtle, light-pressure work and the broad, deep touch of classic myofascial work.

In the Manual NVR course series, you will learn how to work strategically with the vascular system to release hypertonic muscles that are shortening the myofascial tracks, distorting posture, and limiting movement. You will also learn to free up peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, and dural restrictions to improve structural balance and function. 

The library of NVR techniques that we will progress through will improve your sense of layer palpation, you'll gain new strategic approaches for classic problems, your work will become more subtle and more efficient, and you will find yourself using less physical effort.

In Manual NVR Part 1, we will focus on the neck, head, and upper thorax, including the shoulder girdle and the lungs. We will discuss using these techniques to address persistent issues such as forward head posture, thoracic-outlet-related nerve symptoms, shoulder injuries, and the discomfort and thoracic movement limitations related to scoliosis. 

In Manual NVR Part 2, we will continue working with the torso and work all the way around the pelvis. 

Then in Manual NVR Parts 3 and 4, we will work into the extremities, discussing lower body patterns and upper body patterns, and you will learn to address neurovascular restrictions affecting the lungs and other organs.

NVR Part 5 is a practicum focused on assessment and practical application, in which you will  be applying all that you have learned in Parts 1-4 while doing full sessions with outside models. 

Completing all five Parts of the curriculum leads to Anatomy Trains Advanced Certification in Manual Neurovascular Release.

Quick links to upcoming courses

Manual NVR Part 1: Neck, Upper Thorax, and "Roots of Arms"

In-person format

March 21-23, 2025 - Atlanta, Georgia

Plan ahead for your next Manual NVR course with the following schedules: