These courses will serve you best if you have a minimum of three years experience as a massage therapist, a year as a structural integrator, or a degree in physiotherapy or osteopathy. (New structural integrators will benefit the most from the INtro to NVR course, which is compatible with "series work.")

If you have already begun studying cranial, visceral, and/or neural work, you will find that NVR provides an integrative bridge between osteopathic-style work and the broad, deep touch of characteristic of myofascial work and structural integration.

In the Manual NVR course series, you will learn how to work strategically with the vascular system to release hypertonic muscles that are shortening the myofascial tracks, distorting posture, and limiting movement. You will also learn to free up peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, and dural restrictions to improve structural balance and function. 

You will also improve your palpation skills and gain new strategic approaches for classic problems.

For course descriptions and program overview, visit the Curriculum Overview page.

Quick links to upcoming courses:

Manual NVR Part 1: Neck, Upper Thorax, and "Roots of Arms"

In-person format

June 6-8, 2025 - Atlanta, Georgia

Plan ahead: