Course curriculum

    1. Self-treatment -- basic NVR neck stretches with anatomy lesson. (This is the first lesson in the Movement-Based NVR Module A course. It will be review for those of you who have watched one of my webinars or taken the Movement-Based NVR course.)

    2. Internal thoracic artery technique demo (recorded during live class in 2018)

    1. Introduction to Manual, your agreement about copyright

    2. 2022-03 NVR Part 1 - technique manual

    3. NVR Contraindications and Cautions - notes for discussion

    4. Nerve and Artery Study Guide - neck and upper thorax

    1. Orientation to full class recordings

    2. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 1 - first segment

    3. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 1 - second segment

    4. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 1 - third segment

    5. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 1 - fourth segment

    1. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 2 - segment one

    2. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 2 - segment two

    3. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 2 - segment three

    4. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 2 - segment four

    5. Cohort 2a - Manual NVR Part 1, class 2 - segment five

About this course

  • $1,000.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 20.5 hours of video content