What you will learn

Our focus in this first course in the Manual NVR series will be the neck, head, and upper thorax, including the brachial plexus, shoulder girdle, rib cage, and lungs.  

We will work gently and precisely with the vascular system to normalize tone in hypertonic muscles that are shortening the myofascial tracks, distorting posture, and limiting movement. 

We will work with restrictions of the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, intercostal nerves, accessory nerve, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, and dura with the goals of reducing pain and improving structural and functional balance.

You will also:

  • learn or refine your ability to use "general listening" and other assessment methods borrowed from osteopathy
  • use less physical effort
  • become more efficient
  • learn new strategies for classic problems
  • improve your layer palpation and tissue-specific touch
  • grow your ability to meet the needs of sensitively-tuned individuals
  • pace your work to provide integration within the session.

As you add techniques to your tool bag, we will discuss applications and strategies for working with thoracic outlet syndrome, the residual effects of whiplash, jaw issues, problems leading to anterior head shift, shoulder mobility issues, upper body stiffness, hypermobile clients, and scoliosis.

Over time, your clients or patients will notice improved proprioception, interoception, and nervous system regulation, and they will grow in their appreciation for how smart and adaptive their bodies are.

This course is for all licensed manual therapists, including massage therapists, physiotherapists,  acupuncturists, and structural integrators.

In-person format

A 3-day immersion (21 hours) with unlimited opportunity for online review

  • Benefit immediately from hands-on guidance by Kier

  • Throughout class, receive this work from Kier and fellow students to help you understand and fine-tune your touch

  • Receive a ten to fifteen minutes of individualized integrative work form Kier during the last hours of class to settle your systems before you go home.

Additional benefits

  • Opportunity to schedule a full session with Kier

    If you have a complex injury history, you can schedule a full session with Kier for the day prior to class or the day after class.

  • Spend time in person with colleagues

    Get in touch with a close colleague to plan a rendezvous for this course. Connect with new colleagues in person.

  • Unlimited course review online

    Edited and curated recordings of the distance learning version of this course, divided up into short segments, are available online for you to review.

New Buddy Discount

Recruit a friend to help you deepen your learning

Would you like to receive NVR regularly after completing this course? 

    •    Take care of your body's needs by making sure there is a practitioner near you who also knows NVR. 

    •    Enhance your learning by studying and practicing regularly with someone who lives near you.

Both practitioners must register as students and let Kier know the name of their practice partner (via WhatsApp or text 1+503-720-7403). Each of you will receive a 20% discount by registering with coupon code Buddies2024.

Overview of the Manual NVR Curriculum

Plan your journey

As you progress through the curriculum, you can alternate between distance learning and in-person courses. 

You may choose to do Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 entirely in distance learning format, however, Kier encourages you to attend Part 1 or Part 2 in person so that you can feel the work in your own body early on in your training! Part 5 is held in person only and is an important capstone to your training.

Parts 1 and 2 are the first level of your Manual NVR training and need to be taken in order. In Part 1, we will focus on neck, shoulders, and upper thorax mobility, including some work for the lungs and vagus nerve. In Part 2, we will continue our work with the torso, focusing on the pelvis, hips, and thighs.

In Parts 3 and 4, the next level within the curriculum, we will study the distal extremities in detail, review techniques for the proximal extremities and thorax, and continue working with neurovascular restrictions affecting the organs. Because we will be building on skills learned in the first two courses and expanding your understanding of session strategy and lower and upper body patterns, Parts 1 and 2 are prerequisites for Parts 3 and 4.

Manual NVR Part 5 is a practicum focused on assessment and practical application. In full sessions with outside models, you will apply all that you have learned in Parts 1 through 4, practicing session strategy under Kier’s guidance. This is a great opportunity to bring family members with you to receive work!

Course curriculum

    1. Checklist: What to do after registering

    2. Anatomy Resources: Netter, Thieme, and the Complete Anatomy App

    3. Intro to videos that prepare you for Part 1: Cultivating Interoception

    4. Intro Video 1: What is Neurovascular Release? Why are we doing this?

    5. Intro Video 2: Basic neck techniques, "Balloon lift"

    6. Intro Video 3: Technique - "Wilted Flower" and the upper intercostal spaces

    7. Intro Video 4: Is wilted flower technique addressing nerve or artery?

    8. Intro Video 5: Internal thoracic artery technique demo (recorded in 2018 during an in-person Manual NVR Part 1 class)

    1. Introduction to your Technique Manual, including your agreement about copyright

    2. 2022-03 NVR Part 1 - technique manual

    3. NVR Contraindications and Cautions - notes for discussion

    4. Nerve and Artery Study Guide - neck and upper thorax

    1. Orientation to full class recordings

    2. Class 1 Video 1: anatomy and intro to internal thoracic artery technique

    3. Class 1 Video 2: demonstration of internal thoracic artery technique

    4. Class 1 Video 3: guided practice for internal thoracic artery technique

    5. Class 1 Video 4: demonstration of lower intercostal artery release

    6. Class 1 Video 5: lower intercostal space bolstering and technique variations

    7. Class 1 Video 6: anatomy for occipital artery technique

    8. Class 1 Video 7: occipital artery technique

    9. Class 1 Video 8: guided practice for occipital artery technique

    10. Class 1 Video 9: questions after practice of occipital artery technique

    11. Class 1 Video 10: demonstration of deep cervical artery technique

    12. Class 1 Video 11: discussion after practice of deep cervical artery technique

    13. Class 1 Video 12: technique manual and guidelines for adding NVR to your practice

    14. Class 1 Video 13: anatomy - cross-section of neck

    15. Class 1 Video 14: demonstration ofSCM techniques plus superficial nerve anatomy

    16. Class 1 Video 15: guided practice for SCM techniques

    17. Class 1 Video 16: anatomy and self-palpation:treatment for occipital nerves

    18. Class 1 Video 17: guided practice - working occipital nerves on client

    19. Bonus (review): guided practice and discussion - internal thoracic artery

    20. Bonus: questions after internal thoracic artery practice

    21. Bonus (review): lower intercostal arteries

    22. Bonus: tips for working with the occipital nerves on yourself

    23. Bonus: 2023-07-13 Part 1 Class 1 Q&A, plus additional guided practice for internal thoracic artery

    24. Bonus: 2024-01-30 Part 1 Class 1 Q&A plus new technique for intercostal nerves

    1. Class 2 Video 1: Check in and questions

    2. Class 2 Video 2: Anatomy - artery to trapezius and scalenes, palpation and self-treatment for scalenes

    3. Class 2 Video 3: demos 1 and 2, then guided practice - artery to trapezius

    4. Class 2 Video 4: discussion after practicing artery to trapezius

    5. Class 2 Video 5: comments from experienced students, demo of artery to scalenes

    6. Class 2 Video 6: guided practice for artery to scalenes

    7. Class 2 Video 7: questions, anatomy of brachial plexus, subclavicular artery impingement

    8. Class 2 Video 8: anatomy for supraclavicular nerve

    9. Class 2 Video 9: demonstration - supraclavular nerve release

    10. Class 2 Video 10: demonstration - dorsal scapular artery release

    11. Class 2 Video 11: demonstration - dorsal scapular nerve release

    12. Class 2 Video 12: demonstration - suprascapular artery release

    13. Class 2 Video 13: demonstration #1 - suprascapular nerve release

    14. Class 2 Video 14 : demonstration #2 - supraclavicular nerve release

    15. Class 2 Video 15: guided practice - supraclavicular nerve release

    16. Class 2 Video 16: anatomy - dorsal scapular artery and nerve

    17. Class 2 Video 17: guided practice - dorsal scapular artery and nerve

    18. Class 2 Video 18 - anatomy - suprascapular artery and nerve

    19. Class 2 Video 19: guided practice - suprascapular artery and nerve

    20. Class 2 Video 20: discussion, what to expect next class, two more questions

    21. Bonus: 2023-07-20 Part 1 Class 2 Q&A

    22. Bonus: 2024-02-06 Part 1 Class 2 Q&A

    1. Class 3 Video 1: introduction to brachial plexus and dural work, explaining to clients what we are doing

    2. Class 3 Video 2: questions about working with clients

    3. Class 3 Video 3: anatomy of brachial plexus

    4. Class 3 Video 4: self-palpation of brachial plexus (identifying handholds in the upper arm)

    5. Class 3 Video 5: demonstration on a person - brachial plexus handholds in the upper arm

    6. Class 3 Video 6: guided practice - brachial plexus handholds, round -1

    7. Class 3 Video 7: two additional handholds near elbow (for radial nerve and brachiomusculocutaneous nerve)

    8. Class 3 Video 8: guided practice for brachial plexus handholds, round -2 with addition of scalenes as a handle

    9. Class 3 Video 9: questions regarding brachial plexus alternative handholds

    10. Class 3 Video 10: anatomy to introduce vertebral artery technique

    11. Class 3 Video 11: introduction to questioning in preparation ofr vertebral artery practice

    12. Class 3 Video 12: demonstration on skeleton - vertebral artery

    13. Class 3 Video 13: demonstration on person - vertebral artery

    14. Class 3 Video 14: guided practice - vertebral artery

    15. Class 3 Video 15: questions after guided practice - vertebral artery

    16. Class 3 Video 16: Demonstration - using manual listening and questioning for brachial plexus and dural mini session

    17. Class 3 Video 17: Demonstration:guided practice - brachial plexus and dural glide (with Shaylynn)

    18. Class 3 Video 18: Demonstration:guided practice - brachial plexus and dural glide (with Gary)

    19. Bonus: 2024-02-20 NVR Part 1 Class 3 Q_A

    20. Bonus: 2024-03-07 Mentoring session on Listening and Questioning

About this course

  • $960.00
  • 34.5 hours of video content
  • scholarships available
  • payment plans available