Course curriculum

    1. Quizzes

    2. Suggestions for studying (keeping a notebook, referencing the anatomy atlases, using Post-it notes, sharing internet research)

    3. NVR Community

    1. Goals for Module A

    2. Module A - Notes on the basic neck stretches

    1. Steps in learning how to teach NVR

    2. Choosing your practice clients and making a plan with each or them

    3. WHY it is important to work through the Modules in order

    4. Preparing to work with clients who have bigger challenges

    5. Concepts to guide your progress through the Home Study Modules

    6. Final bit of advice regarding practice: Be curious about the simplest exercises and the "first interesting place"

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content