Course curriculum

    1. How to progress through this Module

    1. Level Two Outline - Modules D, E, and F overview

    2. Technique Notes for Module D

    1. Video 1: Anatomy review: soleus and superficial femoral artery

    2. Video 2: Guided practice, releasing the posterior compartment of the lower leg

    3. Video 3: Anatomy of the cutaneous nerves of the calf, sural, and saphenous nerves

    4. Video 4: Guided practice, release techniques for sural nerve

    5. Video 5: Anatomy review and guided practice for release of saphenous nerve

    6. Video 6: Guided practice, patellar tracking and release of saphenous nerve

    7. Video 7: Why we differentiate the soleus from flexor hallucis longus

    8. Video 8: Using props to work on lower leg and foot if you can't reach or need extra support

    9. Video 9: Guided practice, differentiating the gastrocnemius from the soleus

    10. Video 10: Book stretch - lengthening superficial femoral artery to calf

    1. Video 1: Anatomy review of anterior compartment of lower leg and foot

    2. Video 2: Why it-s important to release perforating arteries of the lower leg and ankle

    3. Video 3: Guided practice, release techniques for anterior compartment of lower leg

    4. Video 4: Review and guided practice for release of anterior compartment of the lower leg

    5. Video 5: Guided practice, releasing anterior tibial artery

    6. Video 6: Guided practice, releasing the foot

    7. Video 7: Explanation of Morton's neuroma

    1. Video 1: Lower Body Patterns That Affect The Knees

    2. Video 2: Lower body tension in relation to deep femoral artery tension

    3. Video 3: X-leg client with tight adductors and calves

    4. Vidoe 4: Lower leg patterns and guided quadriceps release from sartorius

    5. Video 5: Tibial torsion and X-legs

    1. Video 1: When to do calf work with a client

    2. Video 3: Feet and Scoliosis

    3. Video 2: Bone Spurs

    4. Video 4: Linking tightness in cutaneous vasculature with rough skin or fungal infections in the skin

    5. Video 5: Question about big toe release of fibular nerve and its connection to the stomach

    6. Video 6: Working with pain pattern stories that inhibit change

    7. Video 7: How often should we practice lower leg releases?

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content