Course curriculum

    1. How to progress through this Module

    1. Module E - Technique Notes

    1. Video 1: Guided release of superior gluteal nerve and quadratus lumborum with two balls

    2. Video 2: Anatomy review and guided release for cluneal nerves

    3. Video 3: Guided release of artery tension in abdominal muscles

    4. Video 4: Deeper anatomy review for working with iliacus and psoas

    5. Video 5: Contraindications and precautions for working in the abdomen

    6. Video 6: Bridging the gap: understanding self-treatment releases through demonstration of manual release of the psoas

    7. Video 7: Camera set up and client and camera safety

    8. Video 8: Demonstration of three release techniques for iliacus and psoas

    9. Video 9: Guided release of iliacus, first technique

    10. Video 10: Guided release of psoas, second technique

    11. Video 11: Guided release of psoas, third technique

    12. Video 12: Exploring reasons for groin pain, obturator nerve and artery, genital femoral artery, and iliohypogastric nerve

    1. Video 1: Anatomy review and guided release for humeral circumflex artery

    2. Video 2: Anatomy review and guided release for brachial artery

    3. Video 3: Guided release for biceps, brachialis, and triceps

    4. Video 4: Guided release of forearm flexors and artery tension crossing the elbow

    5. Video 5: Anatomy review of perforating arteries of the forearm

    6. Video 6: Anatomy review and guided release of perforating arteries in the forearm that release the wrist and hand

    1. Video 1: Guided release for intercostal nerves and suprascapular artery

    2. Video 2: Anatomy review and guided release of suprascapular artery and nerve and long thoracic nerve

    3. Video 3: Anatomy and guided release of subscapular and scapular circumflex arteries, and axillary nerve

    4. Video 4: Explaining the connection of brachial artery to T-5, the serratus, rhomboid sling

    5. Video 5: Releasing pectoralis minor and muscles in the forearm related to winging scapula

    1. Video 1: Initial discussion of the case

    2. Video 2: Guided release of scapular circumflex artery

    3. Video 3: Guided release of radial nerve trapped in triceps

    4. Video 4: Guided release of the septums of the upper arm

    5. Video 5: Lattisimus and teres major release with roller

About this course

  • $240.00
  • 44 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content