Manual NVR Part 1: Head, Neck, and "Roots of Arms" - June 6-8, 2025, Atlanta, Georgia (in-person)
CourseRegistration for this three-day in-person course includes video recordings from distance learning classes for your review, bonus lessons, and one-to-one mentoring to support your ongoing study after the in-person class is completed.
Introduction to Manual Neurovascular Release (NVR) for Structural and Functional Balance - June 13-15, 2025, Kent, England (in-person)
CourseThis three-day in-person course also provides 16.5 hours of video recordings from past classes, curated and edited into short segments to support you in reviewing specific techniques, and post-course mentoring via live Zoom calls.
Manual NVR Part 1: Head, Neck, and "Roots of Arms" - September 26-28, 2025, Bremen, Germany (in-person)
CourseThis three-day in-person course also provides 34.5 hours of video recordings from past classes, curated and edited into short segments to support you in reviewing specific techniques, and post-course mentoring via live Zoom calls.
NVR Community Seminar Series - 2025, session 1 at 9:00-10:00 am or session 2 at 4:00-5:00 pm Pacific Time
CourseSeminar for graduates of Manual NVR Part 1 or the Movement-Based NVR Level One Labs: Registering gives you access to the Zoom recordings for 2025. Prepare to discuss specific topics and bring your questions and client cases. (6-8 meetings per year)
Movement-Based NVR Level One - Home Study Modules A, B, and C
BundleThis bundle includes the Level One Home Study Modules A, B, and C. Learn self-treatment NVR techniques and strategies for the neck, thorax and pelvis. Includes edited and curated video recordings of live lessons and downloadable PDFs.